IF you were alarmed at the recent – and all too regular – catastrophic fish kills in Western NSW, now is your chance to have a say and ensure this never happens again!
The links below point towards online submissions to draft plans on the Barwon-Darling Watercourse Resource Plan for NSW. Here are some of the key points for adding a submission:
* Recreational Anglers have concerns that the flow contributions from catchments upstream of the Barwon Darling River are not adequate to maintain and improve native fish populations. We request better rules and amendments focussing on adequate timing, volume, frequency and duration of these connecting flows to support fish.
* We require restoration of base flows to reduce the length of cease to flow periods. We need better protection and shepherding of river base flows to keep native fish healthy.
* The pumping threshold of A Class water licence extractions is too low and needs lifting to protect river productivity – the small river freshes that are reduced by extraction are vital for fish movement and survival and should not be impacted.
Please take time to review the above and make a submission before it’s too late.
Here are the links: