
Big city jewfish – in Fisho’s July issue!

FISHING World’s July 2013 issue has the lowdown on catching one of the country’s most sought after sportfish – in Australia’s biggest city – and loads more.

There’s something special about the mighty mulloway, aka jewfish, that raises the interest levels and heart rates of many Aussie anglers. While many of us aspire to catch these exciting and sometimes mysterious fish, it seems only a few really have them “wired”. One fisho who does is Sydney boy Chris Cleaver who writes this month of his special association with jewies, and other estuary species like bream, flatties and whiting that he regulary targets in one of Sydney’s largest river systems. You don’t have to be a Sydneysider either to glean some great tips from this info-packed feature. 

A Fishing World contingent was fortunate enough to recently visit the newly completed Bathurst Island Lodge in the Northern Territory. This month Top End regular David Green reports on the great fishing the Fisho crew enjoyed at Bathurst Island and the successful rebirth of one of the country’s most iconic sportfishing lodges.  

The July issue celebrates the return of writer Mark Frendin, a very knowledgeable angler who wrote many topical informative articles for Fisho back in the day. This month Mark draws from his vast experience to offer valuable tips on what to do to when you find yourself hooked to a very big fish.

Back on the jewie theme, Greeny writes this issue about his latest quest to catch a monster. As ever, this makes for great reading.

Also this issue, Scott Gray reports on one of the best “secret” destinations to be found on the NSW far South Coast.

With winter officially upon us, we’ve put together a timely clothing product guide featuring the latest in warm outdoor wear to keep you fishing longer and warmer during the colder months.   

There’s loads more in Fisho’s July Issue, make sure you don’t miss out on your copy from your favourite newsagent or for iPad from the iTunes store.

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