THE World Parks Congress wrapped up in Sydney this week with calls for at least 30 per cent no-take zones in marine-protected areas by 2030.
The Sydney Morning Herald reports the week-long gathering attracted over 6000 delegates from 170 countries, ranging from leaders of Pacific islands to environment leaders and scientists.
Dan Laffoley, a marine biologist and vice-chair under the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, said expanded marine reserves were necessary to help the world’s oceans recover from over-fishing and pollution.
The final declaration of the congress calling for “at least 30 per cent of each habitat type to be afforded strict protection” is non-binding but is expected to be central to discussions at the 2016 Mexico meeting to revise the Convention on Biological Diversity treaty.
Michelle Grady, oceans director of the Pew Charitable Trust, said the 30 per cent target had the status of “expert advice”, much like the science underpinning the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
“At the centre of the world’s action plan for the oceans are sanctuaries for marine life,” Dr Grady said. “Sanctuaries are proven to allow fish and other marine life to recover and rebuild, and also create resilience from the ravages of climate change.”
Host nation Australia tipped in $2 million to aid threatened species protection in national parks, $6 million to support Coral Triangle marine protection and another $6 million to combat illegal logging across the Asia-Pacific region.
Environment Minister Greg Hunt has described as “flat, plain wrong” earlier comments from Pew’s Dr Grady that Australia had suspended plans for a national network of marine parks that would have vastly increased current areas of protection.
“There is no suspension,” Mr Hunt told reporters on Wednesday. “All of those protected areas remain in place. What we’re doing is in some cases reviewing management plans.”