
Anti-fishing groups push for marine parks expansion

FOLLOWING the recent change of leadership within the NSW Government, anti-fishing groups have been lobbying to expand marine park lock-out zones in the state. 

Under former premier Barry O’Farrell, several beach and headland-based sanctuary zones closed to fishing were re-opened to anglers last year while an assessment of these areas was carried out. Read more details here.

While details of the assessment are yet to be released, conservation groups have joined forces in pressuring the NSW Government to expand its marine parks. 

A combined campaign instigated by green organisations such as the Australian Marine Conservation Society, Nature Conservation Council of NSW and National Parks Association of NSW, amongst others, is urging members of the public to “Become a Friend of your favourite Marine Park.”

This latest campaign aimed at pushing for further rec fishing lock-outs follows recent anti-fishing scare mongering by the Nature Conservation Council and the Australian Marine Conservation Society with media comments such as: allowing familes to fish off beaches will result in “species extinction” in places like Jervis Bay and claims that recreational fishing is an “illegal” activity.

Regular readers will be well aware Fisho has long advocated for meaningful marine protection measures based on science as opposed to ideological or political motivations.

With the six month assessment period of these shore-based sanctuary zones long surpassed, Fisho has echoed calls from other rec fishing organisations for the immediate release of the expert panel’s report into line fishing into these marine park zones (see an Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation press release HERE).

Read a related article here.

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