THE Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation, the peak body representing Australia’s
recreational fishing community, has asked Prime Minister Tony Abbott and State and
Territory leaders to follow the example set by US President Barack Obama and create
marine protected areas that encourage recreational activities including recreational
fishing, yet ban industrial activities such as mining and commercial fishing that are harmful to the marine environment.
President Obama last week created the world’s largest marine park by expanding the
existing Remote Pacific Islands Marine National Monument.
This offshore marine protected area prohibits commercial extraction activities such as
industrial fishing and mining but encourages recreational use and access for anglers,
divers and other community groups interested in the marine environment.
Last year the Abbott Government repealed the disastrous Marine Park policy of the previous Labor Government that would have resulted in recreational fishers being
locked out of over 1.3 million square kilometres of Australian seas.
“We now ask the Abbott Government as well as all State Governments to follow this lead
and implement Marine Park policies that recognise the economic, social and environmental benefits of recreational fishing, rather than one based on the ‘lock out’ mantra preached by extremist anti-‐fishing groups,” ARFF Managing Director Allan
Hansard said.
“The fact is that well managed recreational fishing is completely compatible with marine
conservation initiatives in the same manner as other recreational activities such as
diving and tourism activities.
The US Government has recognised this – we ask our Governments to also recognise this.”
The ARFF says it looks forward to working with the Commonwealth Government, State Governments and other stakeholders to achieve a marine park network that is balanced and one all Australians can be proud of.