CANBERRA anglers are being advised not to transfer small boats from Yerrabi Pond in the city’s north to other waterways to avoid spreading deadly pathogens that may be responsible for killing numbers of native fish.
The Canberra Times reports ecologist Dr Bryan Pratt has said more dead cod were being found downstream of Yerrabi Pond, at Gungahlin Pond.
“It is looking more like a pathogen is responsible and it would be commonsense for anyone fishing at Yerrabi not to transfer small boats or any other material to any other lake,” Dr Pratt said.
“The great fear is that this will spread into the Murrumbidgee River and Burrinjuck Dam [near Yass]. We are the highest altitude lake where Murray cod are stocked, we’re at the top of the catchment.”
Fishing World writer Pat Brennan who lives near to Yerrabi Pond says he did a walk around the lake recently and found 14 dead cod and two dead golden perch. “Quite a few of the cod were well over 70cm,” Pat told Fisho.
“It looks like it’s in Gungahlin Pond now which means it could get into (Lake) Ginninderra. Some guys pulled a bunch out and measured them … five over 90cms!”
The ACT Environment and Planning directorate says water samples have been sent to the National Association of Testing Authorities, an accredited laboratory. Results of testing are still unknown.