The Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation (ARFF) summary of policy responses from parties:
ARFF received the following responses from federal political candidates for this week’s elections. The responses are provided in the form that they were received so that you can determine which party is offering the best deal for recreational fishers.
Please click the links below to read their responses.
Announced fishing policies
Liberal/National Party:
- An additional $20 million to the successful Recreational Fishing and Camping Facilities Program
- “As part of our support for our vast fishing industry, we are also committed to maintaining our robust Australian Marine Park network in its current form, to provide certainty to our fishers.”
Australian Labor Party:
- ARFF received a letter from Josh Wilson MP, Shadow Assistant Minister for the Environment, which states in part: “While in the lead-up to the 2019 election we believed there was scope to consider adjustments to marine park zoning, we accept that since that time the network has been delivered in a settled form. We agree that certainty in park management is critical and so we don’t intend to revisit that matter outside of the statutory review processes.”
Shooters, Fishers & Farmers Party:
- “Oppose unwarranted efforts on banning recreational fishing within Commonwealth marine reserves”
- “Oppose the creation or expansion of any marine park networks”
- Support to “expand recreational fishing opportunities within Commonwealth waters”.
Australian Greens
- Continue to fight for healthy oceans and coastlines, supporting local communities, tourism and small business.
- Ban offshore exploration and seismic testing.
- Expand the network of Marine Protected Areas.
- Commit $50 million to wetlands and coastal restoration.
- Commit $20 million for Sea Country Indigenous Protected Areas.
- Extend the ban on super-trawlers to include 95-metre vessels.