THE NSW Police Games is an annual sporting event that brings together the state’s various police, rescue and protective organisations to compete and socialise away from the rigors of work.
The event is open to all NSW Police Force employees (including Volunteers In Policing) and full time employees of government agencies with a law enforcement role – NSW Fire Brigade, Ambulance, Customs, Corrections, APS, SES, the Sheriffs Dept, RFS, AFP, as well as Blacktown City Council and Police Credit Union employees within NSW. Retired and family members from each of these agencies are also encouraged to take part.
Now in its 29th year the NSW Police Games is facilitated by the Police Council of Sport and amongst the 28 sports there is a fishing component organised and hosted by the NSW Police Fishing Club Inc. Due to the members of the fishing club coming from all over NSW the angling venue changes periodically to facilitate members. Over the past three years the angling event has been held on the waters of Lake Macquarie and to sea.
This year the fishing will take place on the Shoalhaven and Crookhaven Rivers and to sea. The dates for the angling event are the 17th to the 19th March 2013. Competition is available to inshore and offshore anglers with individual medals available for a variety of target species as well as open, ladies’ and junior divisions. Further information on the angling event and the NSW Police Fishing Club Inc. is available at
Registrations for the Games close on the 15/3/2013 and full details on the sports offered is available at