
Fisho Writer’s Top 5 Photos

FISHO recently asked its writers to select five of their favourite fishing related photos and tell us the reasons why they rate them and how the the pics came about.

The next photos featured are from veteran Fisho writer Mark Williams, who explains why these are his five favourites.

1 – Glenbawn bass
This pic of Marc Stead with the massive Glenbawn bass actually inspired me to submit my first article to Fisho all those years ago. It was taken in the early ’90s when the impoundment bass boom was really kicking into gear and a couple of fishing writers we were camped with at Glenbawn were desperate for that pic. Anyway after promising me the world I gave one of them the pic and that was the last I saw of him. It was the best thing that ever happened because it really motivated me to have a go at fishing writing.

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2 – Cod gob
This pic is of a beautifully marked New England cod taken for a feature on spinnerbaiting cod in Fisho when it was early on in the use of these effective lures on Murray cod and other natives.

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3 – Pelagic mayhem

This pic was published in a location feature I did in Fisho on Terrigal Haven on the NSW Central Coast. It captures a typical action scene at the Haven during the months of February & March each year when schools of frigate mackerel and Australian bonito are running and it’s standing room only with lure and fly anglers wanting to get in on the action.

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4 – Quobba sunrise
This sunset pic was used as a double page spread in a mackerel spinning article I did for the June 2010 edition of Fisho. It was taken at Camp Rock at Quobba Station in Western Australia. The angler in the pic is my good mate Miles Leahy, an excellent angler who has appeared in the pages of Fisho a number of times over the years.

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5 – Selfie cover
This pic was the cover shot of the July 2008 edition of Fisho. It was taken at the famed Catwalk ledge at 1770 in Queensland. I had the place to myself for the best part of a week (which would never happen these days with the popularity of the place!). Anyway, I enjoyed one of the best weeks high speed spinning off the rocks of my life. The big golden trevally in the pic weighed over 16kgs and I caught another that was even bigger. To get the shot I set my camera up on a Joby Gorillapod on the rocks and used the self timer. It wasn’t easy setting up the camera then picking up a 16kg fish singlehandedly but I eventually got the shot. It certainly would have been a helluva lot easier if there had been someone else on the ledge. It was very satisfying to get a Fisho cover after all the effort that was put in to get the shot! 

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