
Fisho Writer’s Top 5 Photos

FISHO recently asked its writers to select five of their favourite fishing related photos and tell us the reasons why they rate them and how the the pics came about.

The next photos featured are from Fisho writer and keen native fish angler, Ken Smith, who explains why these are his five favourites.

Jezza’s cod
My son Jeremy Smith holding his first big cod. He has fished with me from about the age of two and still does, but this pic hangs in our lounge room and it has that certain bit of pride to it.

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Col & the cod

My good mate Colin Gordon models one of four fish I caught in the Darling River. It was the first time I have caught so many metreys in the one day and am still waiting to beat that score.

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Father and son
I was talking to my brother “Wazza” who had just guided Jim Harnwell at Melville Island. Wazza told me what a nice bloke the guy was but said he couldn’t believe that the editor of Australia’s number 1 fishing mag had never caught Australia’s number 1 freshwater sportsfish. Well that changed when Jim and son Harry caught their first Murray cod with me on the Macquarie River. Jim now is an addicted cod fisho but that first metrey still eludes him.

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Pete takes no crap
My mate Peter Hanrahan aka “Bagsy” – there’ve been so many first with this bloke: Golden perch on fly, Murray cod on fly, bass on fly and so on… I tried in vain for a long time to convince Bagsy to catch carp on fly but he refused. No way was he going to fish for “crap” (yes, he couldn’t even say or write the word carp … it always came out crap) then he tried it and is now one of the keenest carp anglers you’ll find. A very competent angler no matter what aspect of the sport he puts his mind to.

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Peter Morse

No matter how high the profile of the angler, there are still many firsts for them to tick the box on. While Morsey has caught who knows how many cod on fly he hadn’t caught a wild river fish on lure from a canoe. It was good to see him tick that box along with “carp on dry fly”.

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