
Habitat restoration research finds similar fish have different responses


GLOBALLY, river degradation has decimated freshwater fish populations. To help reverse this trend in a southeastern Australia river, a team of researchers used multiple restoration actions, including reintroduction of instream woody habitat, riparian revegetation, removal of a weir hindering fish movement, fencing out livestock, and controlling riparian weeds.

The team monitored the responses of native fish at the segment scale (20 km) and reach scale (0.3 km) over 7  years to assess the effectiveness of the different restoration strategies. Two closely related species, Murray cod (Maccullochella peeli) and trout cod (Maccullochella macquariensis), increased at the restored segment compared with the control segment. However, the researchers discovered inherent differences between river segments and low sample size hampered assessment of the mechanisms responsible for segment‐scale changes in fish abundance. In contrast, at the reach scale, only M. peeli abundance significantly increased in reaches supplemented with wood.

The differential responses by 2 closely related fish species likely reflect species‐specific responses to increased habitat availability and enhanced longitudinal connectivity when the weir improved passage around a fishway. Changes in M. peeli abundance in segments supplemented with and without wood suggest an increase in carrying capacity and not simply a redistribution of individuals within the segment, facilitated the observed expansion.

The study’s findings confirm the need to consider individual fish species’ habitat preferences carefully when designing restoration interventions. Further, species‐specific responses to restoration actions provide waterway managers with precise strategies to target fish species for recovery and the potential to predict fish outcomes based on ecological preferences.

Source: DELWP ARI Applied Aquatic Ecology

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