
Illegal crayfisher trapped

A 22 year-old Corowa man will be prosecuted after being caught in the Murray River downstream of Yarrawonga using four fish traps to take Murray crayfish, following a fisheries compliance operation over the Queen’s Birthday long weekend.

Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Supervising Fisheries Officer, Peter Tilbrook said the four-day compliance operation targeted the Murray, Edward, Murrumbidgee and Darling Rivers.

“Operation Kilo 15 saw 385 fishers checked with a compliance rate of 87 per cent,” Tilbrook said.

“A total of 28 penalty notices and 29 written cautions were issued with the penalty notices ranging from $100 to $500.

“The Corowa man will be issued a court attendance notice for using illegal fish traps and is liable to a maximum penalty of $22,000 or imprisonment for six months, or both, for a first offence.”

Tilbrook said water levels were low resulting in limited catches and fisheries officers seized four fish traps, 25 Murray crayfish (which were either prohibited size or carrying ova), one trout cod, one opera house yabby trap, three fishing rods and five setlines.

“The poor compliance level within the Murray crayfish fishery was disappointing and we will be continuing increased patrols in the south west of the State for the duration of the season,” said Tilbrook.

“It is important that fishers continue to follow the rules and regulations regarding Murray crayfish due to the decline in this iconic native threatened species.”

Information on NSW fishing rules can be obtained from your local NSW DPI Fisheries Office, tackle stores, or by visiting

Anyone with information on illegal activity is encouraged to contact their local Fisheries Office or call the Fisher’s Watch phoneline on 1800 043 536.

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