
Join in the battle for the Coral Sea!

Tell the PM and Peter Garrett not to believe greenie hype!

Send our online petition calling for formation of “sportfishing haven.”

Environmental extremists at the Australian Marine Conservation Society have produced an online petition urging Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Environment Minister Peter Garrett to ban fishing in the Coral Sea region off northern Queensland.
Fishing World has had a bit of a tinker with the AMCS petition, with the end result being a document urging the PM to preserve the Coral Sea as a world class fishing area. The AMCS says it is encouraging the PM to “support the visionary proposal to establish a no-take heritage park in the Coral Sea”. Well, we’re encouraging the PM to support an even more visionary proposal to establish a sportfishing haven in the Coral Sea!

This will no doubt go down like a lead balloon with the greenies but why should they have it all their way?
Take a few minutes to let our federal government know your feelings on this important issue. The campaign to close the Coral Sea to recreational fishing is just the start of things to come, if the greenies get their way. We need to unite now and let the politicians know that we’re not going to stand by and let US-funded green extremists destroy our lifestyle and our businesses!

The Fisho team

Click here to sign the email petition to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd (Please put your name and location at bottom of email) 



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