
Murray cod season opens


RECREATIONAL fishers are now able to target Murray cod, following the annual three-month breeding closure – from September 1 until December 1 – in NSW and Victoria.

This iconic native species, which is found throughout the Murray-Darling River system, is a prized catch as it’s the country’s largest freshwater fish.

NSW DPI – Fisheries says officers will be out on the water this weekend to ensure that recreational fishers adhere to the legal bag and size limits. Fishers are required to release Murray cod which are smaller than 55 cm, or bigger than 75 cm, with the least possible harm. There is a daily bag limit of two Murray cod per person per day and a total possession limit of four.

More information can be found HERE , as well as at DPI offices and most places where recreational fishing licences are sold.

Anyone with information on suspected illegal fishing activity is urged to contact DPI HERE  or call the Fishers Watch phone line on 1800 043 536.

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