THE Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison, recently sent this message of congratulations to Fishing World on the occasion of our 50th anniversary. It was published in the special 50th anniversary collector’s issue of the magazine.
“Australians have been casting a line across our vast continent as long as it has been inhabited, with favourite fishing places, traditions and techniques, shared down the generations.
Today, one in five of us are recreational fishers, enjoying a sport that has become a much-loved way of life. For many, fishing provides an opportunity to savour nature’s expanses, to relax with family and friends, and enjoy the rewards of our patient efforts. It is a pastime that connects individuals and communities with each other and the environment that nurtures us all.
The government understands the special place that fishing has in our history, traditions and culture. To support Australian anglers, we are investing $29 million in better boating, marine rescue, fishing and camping facilities, as well as fisheries management and habitat restoration.
With recreational fishing such an important part of the Australian culture and lifestyle, I welcome the role played by publications like Fishing World in encouraging more of us to get involved and be informed.
Fishing World has allowed Australian anglers to see more of Australia and helped foster a community of anglers across our nation.
To thrive over fifty years and to do so during a time of tremendous change for media publications speaks of the quality of Fishing World‘s work and its centrality to the Australian angling community.
I congratulate staff and readers on fifty successful years, and wish you all the very best for many more editions to come.”