
Profile: Fishing cricketer Gary Putland

A QUICK look at Gary Putland’s Instagram account reveals photos of a mad keen angler who enjoys a spot of cricket. The reality is Gary’s a professional cricketer, a fast bowler for the Adelaide Strikers, and just so happens to love his fishing!

In a recent interview with Fishing World on the eve of the 2015/2016 cricket season, Gary was more interested in chatting about his keen passion for fishing than cricket. Like many players at this level, fishing is the ultimate escape from the pressures of professional sport.


Photo courtesy of Instagram.

When Gary isn’t taking wickets for the Strikers, he enjoys fishing the local spots around South Australia for a variety of species.

“During the off season I mainly fish the metro area for snapper and whiting, table species. The last few years I’ve also been lucky with the tuna (SBT) and fished them pretty hard,” says Gary.

“Once cricket season finishes I head over to Coffin Bay on the Ayre Peninsula and target the bigger species like samsons, kingfish and tuna,” he says.


Photo courtesy of Instagram.

While Gary enjoys the odd charter, most of his fishing takes pace onboard his South Australian-built Northbank boat.

“Fishing is more exciting when you do it from your own boat, it’s a different feeling than being onboard a charter,” he says.

Three or four of Gary’s team mates also enjoy fishing and when the opportunity presents itself, the fellas take time out for fish in almost any state.

“A couple of us lads have a [fishing] travel kit, and I always have it with me, so pretty much every state there’s somewhere to go fishing, even if it’s just chasing the bream,” Gary said.

“Usually that’s after training or before a game in the morning.”

During the off season, the fishing becomes more serious and Gary takes advantage of South Australia’s XOS samson fish.

“This year we went on a charter and got 32 sambos in one day, and some good fish amongst them, many over 30kg!”

“We also had a good run of tuna last year off Victor Harbour. It’s fun catching the off your own boat.,” he says.

“We’ve been lucky over the past few years.”


Photo courtesy of Instagram.

While Gary’s list of caught species looks extensive, there is a couple on his bucket list – a big king and a big mulloway.

“Those are the two big fish I want to catch. It can be difficult because the big mulloway are on during the summer when it’s my busy time.”

The Adelaide Strikers play their first game at Adelaide Oval against the Melbourne Stars on Friday 18 December. For more info go to


A kingfish caught while on tour in Sydney. Photo courtesy of Instagram.


Soft plastic flattie in Sydney Harbour. Photo courtesy of Instagram.

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