RESEARCH staff at the Arthur Rylah Institute are monitoring golden perch (Macquaria ambigua) and Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii) in the fish trap at Box Creek fish lock on the outlet of Kow Swamp into Pyramid Creek in Victoria.
These fish moved in response to flows as the creek went from 400 to 600 ML per day.
For these fish, the ability to move past instream barriers via fishways is a critical factor in completing their life cycle. The research is showing an increase in fish numbers from a combination of river restoration works and restoration of natural flow variability.
Goulburn-Murray Water has constructed the fishway and North Central Catchment Management Authority manages water flows to achieve the best outcomes for native fish.
This project is part of a $222 million investment by the Victorian Government to improve the health of waterways and catchments.
For more information, click HERE.