The NSW South Coast based Shellharbour Game Fishing Club is holding its 9th annual tournament on February 13 and 14, 2010.
The Shellharbour Club is still in its infancy, having formed just 10 years ago in 1999, but the young club has grown in leaps and bounds and now boasts around 150 members.
The club has hosted eight very successful tournaments thus far, and the ninth is shaping up to be even better with some great sponsorship deals providing even better prizes and more giveaways. The club’s major Sponsor, K & R Fabrications, having reconfirmed its support for the 2009/2010 season, leads the list of a very long and valuable list of tournament sponsors.
The dates for this tournament are in the peak of the region’s game fishing season with marlin, sharks, tuna, dolphin fish, and kings all viable targets at this time. In recent years just about all prize categories have been claimed and some meritorious captures resulting. Prize categories include: Capture and Tag & Release for Senior Male & Female, Juniors and Small Fry.
A major improvement on previous tournaments will be the convenience of the new weighing gantry that was erected in early 2009 adjacent to the Shellharbour boat ramp. Along with this great new facility, the new “get up an go” Shellharbour Club committee further entices entries with other innovative ideas such as an alternative tournament date and/or partial refund of entry fees should the Tournament have to be cancelled due to bad weather.
Full Tournament Flyer, including rules, prize categories and entry forms can be downloaded from the club’s website at: