MORE than 140 students from schools across the Murray and Riverina regions of NSW will learn to fish this week as part of the NSW Government’s “Get Hooked… It’s fun to fish” initiative.
NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) Recreational Fishing Schools Manager, Louise Roberts, said the workshops, which are funded using recreational fishing licence fees, will be run over three days and will involve students from eight different schools in the area.
She said the workshops start off with theory and then give young anglers the chance to put their new skills to the test at the waters edge.
“‘Get Hooked…It’s Fun to Fish’ encourages children to take an active role in the management of waterways and fish stocks,” Ms Roberts said.
“During the course of the program, primary school students are introduced to freshwater fishing, the significance of aquatic life and life-cycles, catch and release skills, the importance of sustaining a quality fish habitat, while practicing safe and responsible fishing behaviours.
“Once the students have completed the in-class component of the program and have their fishing passport, they have the chance to attend the hands-on fishing workshop to put all of the theory into practice,” she said.
Ms Roberts said the practical workshops allow children to get hands on skills.
“Fishcare volunteers are essential for the running of the day and they pass on their extensive knowledge and skills to the students,” Ms Roberts said.
Practical skills taught to students include rod and reel basics, knots and rigs, bait selection and identification, casting skills, fish identification, fishing regulations and catch and release techniques.
Workshops run from 9:30am – 2:00pm on:
· Tuesday 25 October at Narrandera Fisheries Centre
· Wednesday 26 October at Apex Park Mulwala
· Thursday 27 October at Apex Park Mulwala
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