
Tagged fish on the move

The latest Suntag data collected from tagged fish recaptures in Queensland, has typically highlighted some interesting fish movements.
The value of tagging fish is highlighted by the recapture of two dusky flathead; the first was recaptured after 612 days at liberty and having travelled 56km south from its original capture point. The fish had amazingly grown from 385mm in length to 745mm in that time – a growth rate of 215mm per year.

Another flathead recaptured after 1349 days of freedom grew from 430mm to 750mm (87mm per year) in that period and travelled 65km, again south before recapture in Moreton Bay.

An Australian Bass originally tagged in freshwater at Lake Samsonvale was recaptured by a commercial fisherman in saltwater on Moreton Bay 472 days later. The bass, believed to have gone over the lake’s dam wall during flood, had travelled 33km and length measurement indicated a decline of -10mm.

This information is provided by Infofish Services on behalf of the Australian National Sportfishing
Association Qld. For more information go to


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