NSW South Coast snapper gun (andoccasional Fisho video star) Guy Jamieson reports that quality redshave appeared around the Jervis Bay area. Fishing with his mate AndyClarke, Guy caught 14 snapper up to about 5kgs on bait and softplastics. The boys were fishing a variety of reef systems south ofJB. “the water was black and only 15 degrees but the reds werestacked up,” Guy told Fisho. “We were fishing at anchor withfloater pillies with a rod loaded with a soft plastic (a SquidgyFlick Bait) in the rod holder. The reds took the bait and theplastics.”
Although the boys ended up with a greatcatch, Guy said they got busted up by a couple of bigger fish.Interestingly, then the fish were cleaned they were found to havebeen eating what looked like juvenile slipper lobsters …
Things should only get better over thenext few months as water quality and temperature improves.
BELOW: Guy and Andy with a couple of qualitySouth Coast reds caught on bait and lures plus one of the juvenilelobsters the reds were feasting on.