RESEARCHERS have successfully reintroduced a number of one of Victoria’s threatened native fish species, the Macquarie perch, into a waterway which came under further threat during the 2009 bushfires.
Research carried out in King Parrot Creek between Flowerdale and Kerrisdale by researchers from the Arthur Rylah Institute found a spawning site which became the focus as its resident Mcquarie perch struggled to bounce back following the bushfires. As heavy sediment flowed into the creek in the fires’ aftermath a number of the threatened fish were rescued and relocated at the Snobs Creek fish hatchery until the creek recovered.
Researchers say that after the recovery process the perch have gone on to spawn again, with netting surveys conducted in the creek finding that sedimentation and cooler water temperatures have had a significant impact on breeding activity.
This work will assist management of Macquarie perch and add-value to the breeding program currently underway at the Victorian Department of Primary Industry’s Snobs Creek hatchery.