FISHOS only have until tomorrow, Friday May 30, to lodge a submission on the NSW DPI’s proposed Commercial Fisheries Reform Program.
The program features controversial proposals to reintroduce commercial netting in several key estuary systems throughout NSW. Read related news item HERE and opinion piece HERE.
According to DPI the key part of its reform program includes:
– linking commercial fishing shares in each fishery to either catch or fishing effort,
– providing a way for some fishers to exit the industry and others to help set up their businesses for the future through the allocation of a $16 million structural adjustment package and
– removing unnecessary fishing controls which have hindered fishing efficiency.
Before any key decisions are made, DPI says it will comprehensively study the range of views put forward during the consultation process, in order to make these options as fair as possible.
The options papers and further information about the Commercial Fisheries Reform Program can be found at