TORQUAY’s offshore artificial fishing reef welcomed the return of five fish aggregating devices (FADs) with
another two to be deployed off Lorne and Aireys Inlet in the weeks ahead.
Victorian Fisheries Authority CEO, Travis Dowling, said the Torquay FAD will attract pelagic gamefish
species popular with saltwater fishers in the area.
“The five FADS at Torquay are each attached to concrete reef clusters up to four metres high and weighing 20
tonnes. The addition of FADs 25 metres above the reef mean there is more vertical habitat for kingfish, tuna,
dolphinfish and trevally.” Dowling said.
“The two-year trial of FADs at Torquay saw kingfish captured as anticipated, which is why the trial is being
extended and expanded to include two other southwest Victorian locations.
“The two new FADs at Lorne and Aireys Inlet have come about from collaboration with the Lorne Aquatic &
Angling Club, which had liked the Torquay FADs and wanted something similar.
“Club members’ local knowledge of the waters and kingfish hot-spots guided the decision to locate the two new
FADs off Stoney Creek, north Lorne, and offshore of Aireys Inlet.”
Mr Dowling said FADs are installed during the warmer months then removed to reduce the risk of damage from
large winter swells or entanglement during whale migration.
“We’re really excited to hear how the two new FADs perform this summer and look forward to seeing lots of
smiling faces with great fish through the holidays.” he said.
The Torquay FADs are located at at 38˚ 19.990’S & 144˚ 22.440’E.