Mercury has released an all-new auto-inflating personal flotation device (PFD) to provide an additional level of safety to boat lovers.
The new Mercury auto–inflating PFD1 has an absorbent switch which, when it comes in contact with water, automatically inflates the vest.
“The big advantage with this PFD is you don’t have to inflate it manually so in an emergency situation the Mercury PFD will automatically inflate as you enter the water – this is certainly the way to go,” said Mercury’s Accessories Director, Paul McLean.
Mercury says its auto-inflating PFD is also cut to be more comfortable and less restrictive than other PFDs on the market, making it great for all-day fishing and boating sessions.
The new PFD fully complies with Australian Standard AS 1512 for personal flotation devices. It is approved for use in all Australian states and in New Zealand.
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