ATOMIC has announced a full range of aftermarket accessories for your artificials with the release of Trick Bitz. Trick Bitz is a toolbox for you tackle box, with everything you need for every fishing situation.
Everyone likes to pimp their lures whether it be a new innovative paint scheme or a touch of extra weight or flash for added fish catching appeal. Atomic has answered the call and has combined under one banner a range of products designed to make you lure stand out from the crowd.
With a full range of products including paints and UV dips, sticky weights, holographic tape and more, you can control the appearance, buoyancy and flash of your favourite hard baits.
The options don’t end there either with a range of powder coat paints, slide in rattles, and adhesive eyes allowing to take your jigheads from dull and boring, to bold and striking, plus plenty more.
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