THE new Powerbait 5 inch Bubble Shiner features a classic ribbed body profile with slim T-shaped paddle tail for a tight swimming action at slow speeds. Designed in Japan, the Bubble Shiner is belly weighted with salt crystals for improved action.
On the drop or on the hop, the Bubble Shiner tail vibrates and flutters with a lifelike action
that fish should find irresistable.
The Bubble Shiner benefits from Berkley’s Powerbait scent infused into every bait. Berkley scientists have spent over 25 years perfecting a scent and flavour known as the “PowerBait formula”. According to the manufacturers, fish love PowerBait so much they hold on 18 times longer, giving you the time and confidence to feel more bites, set more hooks and catch more fish.
The RRP is $9.99. For further information click HERE.