How to

The lost art of prospecting

Fishos these days have become incredibly reliant on technology. Many of us are time poor, so modern technology in the form of sounders and GPS have helped make the fishing experience more effective. Thanks to this equipment, we now know exactly where to go, even if we’ve never fished an area before. Unfortunately this has also focused fishing effort into very small areas in relation to what’s available if you choose to find it yourself.

For me, modern technology has sterilised the fishing experience, at least to a degree. When I was a kid growing up on Pittwater in NSW, my best friend and I would froth over fishing. We had a couple of boats over the time and not a weekend went by that we didn’t go chasing some kind of finned adversary. We had no sounder or GPS and, unashamedly, no idea.

Armed with a fistful of tackle (nothing as flash as what you see on shelves today!), we’d go about systematically fishing every nook and cranny we could find. There were some very memorable captures made and some sneaky spots discovered that I still use to this very day.  Bruiser bream off Mackerel Beach, jewfish at night on live squid, kingfish deep in Pittwater and thumper trevally and tuna just offshore are some of the species I can instantly recall catching at various random but fishy looking spots. We really didn’t know where to go or what we’d catch on any trip – and that was a beautiful thing…

Dominic Wiseman

This story was first published in the Fishing World March2013 issue.

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