A KINGFISH released by Andrew Talbot on 23 October, 2019, has been recaptured – incredibly – by his sister, Shelley Talbot.
NSW DPI says, this is the first time the Game Fish Tagging program has recorded a recapture by a sibling of the angler who originally tagged the fish.
Andrew originally tagged the king in the Port Hacking estuary in southern Sydney. The fish measured in at 65cm and 2kg.
Fast forward to 10 April, 2020, and Shelley (pictured) recaptured the fish also while fishing the Port Hacking system.
After a quick battle on 15kg tackle, Shelley measured the fish at 80cm. It was quickly re-released with the original tag in place.
During the fish’s almost six months (170 days) at liberty, it grew 15cm and was recaptured one nautical mile from the original release point.
For more information: www.dpi.nsw.gov.au