NSW DPI Habitat Action Grants are available again this year and applications are now open, giving fishers a chance to put some of the licence fees back into improving habitats that support fish.
Twenty-eight projects were funded in the 2019-2020 Habitat Action Grants totalling over $728,000 with applicants providing over $1,000,000 in in-kind contributions. NSW DPI says, these grants will assist recreational anglers, local councils, environmental and community groups, and private landholders to enhance and rehabilitate degraded fish habitat through a range of on-ground works.
NSW DPI have provide a few pointers if you are thinking of applying for a grant;
- Before you do anything, check the website to see past examples of projects at www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/hag.
- Projects don’t have to be massive – you are better off starting on a small patch and working to improve that, rather than trying to fix everything at once and failing. For this reason there are small grants up to $2,000 available as well as larger grants to fund projects up to $40,000.
- If you have a project idea, but aren’t sure how to go about it, or whether it is appropriate, have a chat with one of the contacts listed in the application form. This will save you time in the long run.
- A budget is essential to show how much cash you will need and who else is contributing. There is an example budget to use as a guide, but again, talk with one of the DPI Fisheries staff to see how much detail you need.
Project ideas
- Removal or modification of barriers to fish passage
- Rehabilitation of riverbank land
- Re-snagging waterways with timber structures
- Removal of exotic vegetation from riverbanks
- Bank stabilisation works
- Reinstatement of natural flow regimes
For more information: www.dpi.nsw.gov.au