THE ABC’s Landline program has predicted an explosion of carp numbers in inland waters following the axing of the daughterless carp project by the Murray Darling Basin Authority.
Experts say the timing of this couldn’t be worse; scientists are predicting that several years of above-average rainfall in southern Australia have provided perfect conditions for European carp – leading in some areas to a possible 4,000 per cent increase in numbers.
The daughterless carp project was federally funded through the Murray Darling Basin Authority and was touted as offering a future means of carp control.
According to the ABC report, the MDBA decided that progress has been too slow and there were doubts that it would ever really be effective. The authority has stated “Whilst we believe the daughterless technology for carp has merit, it is a potentially long term an expensive investment with no guarantee of success.”
Funding for the daughterless carp program stopped on July 1 this year.
View ABC’s Landline television report here: