NOT content with making the nation’s anglers green with envy earlier this week via his outstanding jewfish catches (see HERE for details), Fisho writer Chris Cleaver has done it again, this time landing a spectacular 120kg southern bluefin tuna during the first offshore mission aboard his new boat.
Cleaver and good mate Mike Bonnici, who ranks up there with Cleaver as a truly top class angler, headed wide of Sydney yesterday aboard Double Edge, a 188C Edgewater powered by a 150 E-TEC.
The big tuna was caught in about 700 fathoms. According to Chris, conditions were “rough, with a 2m sea and about 25 knots of wind”. Water temps were about 19 degrees.
The boys initially found a few albacore before the massive SBT ate a trolled Squidgy Bluewater Livie.
Cleaver fought the fish for 2.5 hours on a Stella 30,000 loaded with 80lb braid off a 50-80lb Shimano Ocea rod.
No doubt Chris will be popular with his fish eating friends this week!
Not only was the trophy SBT caught on Double Edge’s maiden offshore trip, it was the first one Cleaver’s ever hooked!
“I’ve been lucky enough to have landed plenty of yellowfin but never a bluefin,” a characteristically humble Chris told Fisho this morning. “I’m still blown away by how unbelievable this past week or so has been.”
So are we, mate!
The scales don’t lie (top) and (above) not a bad fish for Cleaver’s first SBT!
Stay tuned to Fisho for more on Cleaver’s amazing exploits as they unfold …