BOAT fishers who regularly launch at Coffs Harbour’s ramp will undoubtedly be familiar with the surge problems associated with the popular facility.
As these accompanying photos from the latest newsletter demonstrate, a large build-up of sand at the entrance to the harbour is now causing major difficulty for boaters returning to the ramp during periods of low tide. The situation has meant boats have to queue up to await the incoming tide. This has led to dangerous situations with one boat being washed onto breakwall rocks (below).
Local MP Andrew Fraser reportedly took to Facebook to attack local council and state government for its slow action on repairing the dangerous ramp.
Andrew Fraser: “$1 million was made available to CHCC by Minister Gay and the NSW Gov on 16th December after consistent reps by myself on behalf of local fishers to rectify this ongoing problem. It is now up to council and others to get on with the job urgently to avoid possible injury or death.”
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