
RecFish SA accused of taking marine parks cash

FOLLOWING recent reports that disgruntled South Australian anglers felt its state’s peak representative body, RecFish SA, hadn’t done enough to prevent marine park lock-outs, it has been revealed the organisation received payments to promote the parks.

According to a report last week in Adelaide’s Advertiser, RecFish SA had struck a $125,000 deal with the Government to sell the positive aspects of the controversial marine parks to anglers.

The report goes on to say “the revelation that RecFish SA is being paid to promote the marine parks, which was not revealed to its committee or the state’s 200,000 anglers, is revealed in Freedom of Information documents that detail the extensive 12-month strategy.”

The documents also reveal that RecFish SA was paid almost $33,000 in October 2012 for promoting marine parks at several industry functions in the Riverland and the city.

The $32,964 bill included payments to RecFish executives Gary Flack, the former executive director, and current chairman Brenton Schahinger of $8,383.50 and $303,75 respectively for their services.

Read more details at: http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/recfish-sa-paid-125000-to-push-positive-message-on-sas-marine-parks/story-fni6uo1m-1226856312290

Read previous related stories here and here.

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