DON’T forget that this Saturday, November 25, White Bay 6 Marine Park, home of Sydney Harbour Boat Storage, will be holding an Open Day to promote Boating Safety.
From 10am to 2pm visitors are welcome to come down, have a tour of our facility, and indulge with some of our favourite marine business colleagues as they display their wares.
NSW Roads and Maritime will be on deck with a display of the latest safety gear and people on hand to answer questions about your requirements and best practice. Fisho will be there with to share some secrets about the best tactics to catch fish (and we are also offering a discoounted subscription rate to White Bay 6 Marine customers). Also on hand will be the team from Nautilus Marine Insurance. Nautilus are very popular with boaties so if you are looking for a quote, this is your opportunity.
Boats! Arvor Boats are one of the fastest growing brands on our waterways and now is the time to check them out for yourself. Come down and have a look at the latest models and have a chat to the friendly Arvor contingent about why their boats are so popular.
For those of you looking for some new gear, boating, paddling or leisure, Musto is the brand for you. Musto Australia will be working with to bring you a selection of new gear and also savings with a great “warehouse SALE”. Make sure you come down for a bargain!
There will also be a free sausage sizzle and heaps of great door prizes courtesy of Musto, BoatCrewGear and Oz Jet Boating.
Located next to White Bay Cruise Ship Terminal in Balmain, White Bay 6 offers safe and deep water access, easy road access, parking, and the full range of maintenance and service facilities:
* dry stack boat storage
* safe and easy deep water access
* reserved customer car parking
* VIP customer lounge and amenities
* complete range of services for all your boat maintenance
* Storage options to suit your boat and your budget
Come and visit this Saturday, November 25!
More info at