NSW government ministers descended on Lake Eucumbene this week as they announced new funding for the iconic fishery and a new 4wd vehicle restriction.
The NSW Recreational Fishing Trust, together with Snowy Hydro, will provide $88,600 to protect a four kilometre stretch of the Eucumbene River near the Dennision camping ground.
NSW Deputy Premier, John Barilaro, said the funding was vital to help protect the iconic trout fishery, which is worth $70 million to the Monaro region.
“This world-class fishery is incredibly popular with local and interstate anglers who will descend on the banks of Lake Eucumbene in the Snowy River Shire next month in anticipation of catching one of Australia’s most iconic and prized fish, the brown trout,” Barilaro said.
“The funding will go towards a new controlled parking area, which will help keep vehicles away from the river and restrict visitors to a camping area about 400 metres away.
“Importantly, this project will help keep the river healthy and visitors safer by preventing four wheel drives from crossing.
NSW Primary Industries Minister, Niall Blair (pictured), said the region was fortunate to have so many top places to fish, including Lake Eucumbene, Lake Jindabyne and the rivers.
“NSW DPI stock more than half a million trout and salmon fingerlings into our dams annually and in conjunction with the Monaro Acclimatisation Society, approximately 300,000 trout fry are stocked in Snowy Region rivers and streams,” Blair said.
“A recent survey on the value of trout fishing in the Snowy Mountains showed it created up to 700 jobs for the region.
As part of the NSW Government’s state-wide fish stocking program, DPI stocks approximately four million trout and native fish every year from government hatcheries.
More information can be found on the NSW DPI website.