WA Fisheries Minister Don Punch has announced a landmark Recreational Fishing Development Plan that commits the state government to delivering a program of initiatives to support the future of fishing in WA for the next three years.
The plan will ensure better fishing access, less restrictions and fisheries management focused on positive experiences through initiatives such as more artificial reefs, FADs, jetties and the development of freshwater fisheries.
WA’s peak recreational fishing body, Recfishwest, CEO Dr Andrew Rowland said, “The release of this plan is a great outcome, having ascertained a commitment from the Premier prior to the 2021 election to see this plan implemented. It will help ensure regulators and agencies understand the needs of our sector and support good outcomes for fishing.”
To see the Recreational Fishing Development Plan in full: recfishwest.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/RFW-1y7ywdc-Develoment-Plan_V12.2-compressed.pdf