FISHO recently asked its writers to select five of their favourite fishing related photos and tell us the reasons why they rate them and how the the pics came about.
The first cab off the rank is former Northern Territory based fishing guide and regular Fisho contributor, Warren “Wazza” Smith.
1 – Big croc being eating by bigger croc
This pic was one those “just happened to be in the right place at the right time” shots. We were fishing up the back of Snake Bay on Melville Island and came upon this giant old croc munching on the remains of another croc – something I’ve never come across before. Snapped off a heap of shots and later that night I sent a few through to Fisho’s Mick Fletoridis as a “Hey guys look what we saw today” type photo. Mick put it into one of his online features and I was happy that he used it. It was amazing how fast it spread and the photos ended up in local and overseas newspapers and also made it onto Channel Nine’s Morning Show.
2 – Mangrove jack
This pic I like because I love fishing for and catching mangrove jacks. These normally aggressive fish can turn a slow day into a great one. This photo was taken while fishing with good mate Mark “Macca” Mclean on Melville Island where we had an unbelievable few days’ jack fishing. We caught them on the surface and on hard and soft bodied lures. We sight cast to hundreds. We caught over 600 hundred in a week and for that reason this picture will always remind me of a truly special week.
3 – Saratoga
Another fish that I love chasing and catching. Saratoga live in special places across the top of Australia in freshwater only. This photo was taken in the freshwater reaches of Goose Creek and ate a Dalhberg Diver off the surface. Doesn’t get much better!
4 – Barra on a fizzer
Everyone likes catching a barra over the metre mark and to pin one on a surface lure makes it just a bit more special to me. I’ve been lucky and have got two in the last 20 years, so that’s why this photo is special. It was caught in a small creek at Purumpenelli Point (good luck pronouncing that) and came out of about half a metre of crystal clear water … saw it all happen. Coincidentally, it’s also where I caught my other metre+ barra on a popper.
5 – Deano, Bluey & the kids
This photo is special to me because these two mates have been involved in some of my most memorable and enjoyable fishing adventures ever. I consider myself very lucky to know Dean Butler (far right) and Robert (Bluey) Vaughan (left), two of Australia’s best known anglers/guides. This photo was taken on our last catch-up trip and is of Deano and Bluey showing my two boys the finer points of bait fishing for whatever comes along. They caught a stack of jacks, goldies, sharks and catties and loved every second of it. My two boys also had a ball. Hope my boys and I get to spend a lot more time with these two.