
Halco team score broadbill at first attempt!

FISHO heard this week from the team at Halco Tackle after they’d made a successful initial attempt last weekend to catch a broadbill swordfish off the West Australian coast.

“We had our first attempt at deep drop swordfishing adjacent to Burkes box out at the Rottnest Trench yesterday,” Carter told Fisho.

“Dropped in 550m and once on the bottom (took nearly 10 minutes) we had a hook up within 15 minutes.”

“Ben [Patrick] got the fish to the surface with a lot of cranking, and with much excitement a small broadie appeared. Leader came up gaffs in and over the side into the boat. They are bloody good on the chew!”

Carter said the broadbill weighed just under 30kg.

“It was certainly pretty memorable for us after learning the technique last year in Florida with the guys from Catch 22,” he concluded.

Congratulations to the Halco team on a meritorious capture!

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