MATT O’Connell is a researcher from Carles Sturt University who is gathering information on the Murray cod mounts. That’s right the stuffed and taxidermied ones!
He is building a register to research and share information on the cod mounts from around Australia. It’s part of his PhD project and the more information he collects, the better the chance he can demonstrate how historical records like cod mounts – and the people who care about them – can help us make sense of the past and inform our decisions for the future.
Matt is asking that if you own a Murray cod mount, or know where one is, to complete the step-by-step “Spot A Cod” survey at
The website also includes a map of the mount leads I have so far with gaps of information around these, printable posters for public notice boards, and details about how to contact Matt.
So if you Spot a Cod, register it on the website – and please share this unique research with those who may be interested.