
It’s “weird catch” season!

THE 2014/2015 summer fishing season on the Australian east coast has once again turned up some interesting and weird catches for anglers.

This pheneomenon seems to take place each year as the warm East Australian Current makes its presence felt as it pushes into the more southern parts of the coast.

So far this season Fisho has been alerted to reports of a tropical waters coral trout taken off Sydney as well as a giant barracuda caught off Jervis Bay by South Coast fisho Ben Blades who was fishing for kingies (see top right and below). Thanks to Guy Jamieson and Ian Osterloh for the info.

Fisho writer Paul Lennon also reports that netters working Stockton beach at Newcastle turned up two oceanic queenfish – a species more commonly found in the tropics – and a diver out of Port Stephens has speared a 4.1kg red bass.

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A red bass taken by a spearfisher off Port Stephens.


An oceanic queenfish netted off Stockton Beach.


No doubt there will be more weird and wonderful catches made along the coast in coming months. Stay tuned!

Have you made a weird catch lately, or know of someone who has? Let us know. 

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