
Key Recreational Fish Species Survey – ARFF needs your help

THE Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation is conducting a survey to find out what is important to anglers when they go fishing.

Do you go fishing to be alone? Spend time with family? To get a feed? Which fish do you most enjoy catching and why?

The survey is also designed to find out specific issues that may be impacting on your fishing experience.

Survey background
Seven months ago, I was offered an amazing opportunity by being seconded from the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) to the Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation (ARFF) as a recreational fishing liaison officer.

My first thoughts were, “This has got to be the most awesome excuse to go fishing!” However, I could not have guessed how much I have learnt from the individuals and organisations that make up the ARFF.

My role is to help ensure the views of recreational fishers are considered in the management of Commonwealth fisheries while at the same time assisting recreational fishers to understand AFMA’s decision making around Commonwealth fisheries management.

I have been working on a number of projects for recreational fishers during my time at ARFF. With so many organisations representing the interests of recreational fishers in Australia it is important to understand the scale of issues affecting your fishing enjoyment.

Are these issues local, state and/or national issues?

This survey is designed to find out what is important to you when you go fishing and find out specific issues that you feel may be impacting on your fishing experience.

Your answers will be used by recreational fishing organisations around Australia to better represent your needs and desires when dealing with local councils, federal, state and territory governments.

Allan Hansard, Managing Director of the Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation says, “The enjoyment we get from fishing is facing pressure from many different sides including habitat loss, water quality issues, impacts from fishing and social pressure.”

“We need to know more specifically what those issues are, where are they happening and what we as recreational fishers want to see done to protect recreational fishing for current and future generations in Australia.”

“Recreational fishing contributes billions of dollars to Australia’s economy and governments need to invest in recreational fishing to ensure future generations derive the same and better benefits from fishing than we do. Thank you in advance for taking this short survey and contributing to the future of recreational fishing in Australia.”

If you have any questions please send an email to

Take the survey HERE.

Patrick Sachs is the AFMA Liaison Officer to the Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation.

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