THE Million Dollar Fish competition was introduced in 2015 to lure anglers to fish the Northern Territory’s waterways. Underwritten by SportsBet, it is Australia’s richest fishing competition.
Million Dollar Fish sees a number of tagged barra released across the Territory’s five main fishing regions: Arnhem Land, Darwin, Kakadu, Kathrine and Tiwi Islands.
Season 7, which ran from October 2021 to 31 March 2022, included 112 fish worth $10,000 fish, plus a barra worth $1 million.
All of the $1 million fish from the previous seasons remain active, so there are eight chances to snag the big one. The $1 million fish are active year-round, while the other tagged fish are only active during the official Million Dollar Fish season.
Remember, to claim any prize money you must be registered for Season 7. Registrations close 31 March, 2022. Registration also enters you into the lucky prize pool, which boasts prizes such as a Great Northern Breakaway Trip, Shimano fishing packs, Engel goodies and Anaconda vouchers.
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