
New fishing jetty for Esperance, WA

The design concept for the new jetty by H+H Architects featuring many fishing experience-enhancing features.

IN a great win for fishers in Esperance and Goldfields, WA, the tender has been announced to build a new “you-beaut” Esperance jetty with recreational fishing accessibility and features at the heart of its design.

Recfishwest were closely consulted by Albany-based H+H Architects who designed the structure, which will replace the old iconic Tanker Jetty, and it looks like our recommendations have been very much taken on board.

Once built, the 400 m long $7.5 million jetty will increase fishing capacity significantly with a widened jetty, as well as incorporating features like lower fishing and diving platforms, fishability ‘set-downs’ for people in wheelchairs and scooters, fish-cleaning stations and fish-friendly lighting.

Recfishwest will continue to monitor the project’s progress, ensuring the best outcome for recfishers and the local community with great fishing access at the heart of the town restored! Read more HERE

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