The Minister for Primary Industries, Ian Macdonald, has said a NSW state-wide compliance operation found most, but not all, anglers obeying fishing regulations. Over the four day Easter break 249 infringement notices were issued by DPI fisheries officers.
“NSW DPI fisheries officers were out in force over the Easter long weekend with more than 4600 fishers checked,” Macdonald said.
“And I’m pleased to report 90 per cent were complying with the rules. However, 249 infringement notices were issued for a range of offences including failing to hold a recreational fishing licence, illegal use of fishing gear and offences associated with bag and size limits.
“It’s extremely disappointing that people continue to flout the law.
“Some of the seizures made by fisheries officers included 970 molluscs on the North Coast and 85 abalone on the South Coast for being either undersized or exceeding the bag limit.
Our State’s fisheries are a community-owned resource.
We all have a responsibility to protect and safeguard this natural asset for future generations.”
Minister Macdonald said a significant number of illegal set lines were also seized in inland waters.
“A significant range of equipment and fish have been seized as part of the operation across the state,” he said.
“It’s disappointing that time and time again, we’re getting people that completely disregard the hard work that’s going into sustaining our fisheries resources.”
Information about NSW fishing rules and regulations in NSW can be found on the NSW Department of Primary Industries website
Anyone witnessing illegal fishing activity should report it to the Fisheries Watch line on 1800 043 536.