THE NSW Government has announced a unique initiative to develop wilderness fishing opportunities via an eco-hut program developed by the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) with the assistance of National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS).
The initiative involves the establishment of remote “eco-fishing huts” in national parks and other areas across the state.
DPI Group Director, Recreational and Indigenous Fisheries, Peter Turnell, said the trial has been tested by a number of fishing groups.
“DPI and NPWS have conducted the first trial of a remote heritage-style hut located in the Kosciuszko National Park which is close to a number of quality trout fisheries.
“The location of this hut means visitors have the opportunity to catch rainbow trout and brown trout from the Upper Murrumbidgee River and Tantangra Dam.
Mr Turnell said the trial is in its infancy and the Government will now look at the opportunity to develop a network of eco-huts at inland and coastal national parks for use by anglers.
“We’ve had enormous support for this style of recreational fishing – the huts go to the heart of the fishing experience – sensational catch, a picturesque setting and far away from the hustle of the city,” Turnell said.
“The NSW Government is committed to providing unique experiences for recreational fishers to enjoy our beautiful fishing locations.”
NPWS has an extensive range of appropriate huts available, with some potentially able to be renovated for use as purpose designed eco-fishing huts.
More info can be found on the NSW DPI website.