A WORKING group has been formed to assist with preparation of draft foundation documents for the establishment of a NSW peak body for recreational fishers.
After a call for expressions of interest (EOIs) to participate in the working group, 17 members indicating their availability. The final selection was limited to seven members: Ms Audi Croft, Mr Colin Tannahill, Mr Craig Copeland, Ms Jo Starling, Mr Karl Mathers, Mr Stan Konstantaras and Mr Tom Slater.
James Findlay, independent facilitator of the working group, said participation in the working group in no way pre-empts the eventual membership of the peak body or any associated positions. The working group has solely been selected to ensure a range of experience across governance and recreational fishing and is focused on developing draft documents for broader consultation.
The working group has held its first meeting and will continue during the coming weeks both online and in-person.
The working group will work with DPI to prepare draft foundation documents for the broader group to consider, prior to public consultation. This includes:
1. Review governance models of recreational fishing bodies across Australian jurisdictions
2. Development of a draft constitution for a NSW peak body
3. Development of a broad operational plan.
Source: NSW Council of Freshwater Anglers