THE annual closure for the taking of pipi (Goolwa cockles) in South Australia starts next week and the public is being encouraged to report people taking the shellfish out of season to FISHWATCH.
The seasonal closure for South Australian waters, which starts on Monday 1 June, is one component of annual arrangements in place to manage the recreational harvest of the pipi resource.
PIRSA Fisheries and Aquaculture Director Operations, Peter Dietman, urged all recreational fishers to do the right thing and comply with the rules of the annual closure.
“These rules are in place as an important management tool to ensure the continued health of the recreational fishery,” Mr Dietman said.
“Unfortunately, during the open season there continued to be a high level of non-compliance in regard to size and bag limits, and Fisheries Officers issued expiation notices every time they patrolled Goolwa Beach.”
“In a few cases, offenders were found with more than 1500 undersize pipi.”
Fisheries officers will monitor pipi fishing areas over the coming months to ensure fishers are complying with the closed season before it reopens on 1 November 2015.
Fishers caught taking pipi during the closed season could face fines of up to $20,000 and risk the catch and the equipment used to take it being seized and forfeited.
More information about the closure is available at or through the SA Recreational Fishing Guide smartphone app which can be downloaded via
Suspicious or illegal fishing behaviour can be reported to the 24-hour FISHWATCH number on 1800 065 022. Callers can choose to remain anonymous.