THIS week’s Fishing World Product of the Week is the Black Pete Trace and Tackle Wallet.
This product offers an ideal solution to many tackle storage problems.
There are three sizes available (small, medium and large) and a combination of breathable woven nylon mesh, tough vinyl pockets, strong stitching and aggressive hook grip closures mean these wallets are built to last.
They are capable of storing all manner of tackle items, from pre-cut or ready-rigged leaders for light to heavy tackle, and other types of terminal gear like spare bait jigs, crimps, hooks, swivels, even tag cards.
The inner sides of the wallet have three built-in pouches and each model comes with five heavy-duty clear vinyl pockets. The pockets are fixed in place with hook grip and can be easily removed, so it’s possible to have a number of different ones filled with a variety of specific leaders or tackle items, depending on what species are being targeted on any given day. The vinyl pockets have extra strong ziplock style closures.
Sizes: Small – 18cm x 13cm
Medium – 27cm x 19cm
Large – 35cm x 27 cm