
QLD Crabber loses boat and $10k for second offence

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Image: Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

A RECREATIONAL crabber has been fined $10,000 and had his fishing boat, motor and trailer confiscated after pleading guilty to fishing offences in the Ayr Magistrates Court last week.

The convicted man is a repeat offender who was convicted and fined $8000 in 2014 for fishing offences.

Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol (QBFP) district officer Robert Ibell said the penalties should serve as a deterrent to the wider community.

“The order for the forfeit of the fishing vessel, motor and trailer sends out a clear message to this fisherman and others who might be tempted to commit such offences in the future,” Ibell said.

“Early last year, fisheries officers intercepted the fisher and found 5 undersize fish, 3 female mud crabs, 3 undersize male mud crabs and four unmarked pots.”

The Magistrate regarded the offending as a deliberate, conscious and repeated flouting of the laws.

The boat, motor and trailer will go to auction.

For more information on Queensland fishing rules visit the website or call 13 25 23.

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